Rural Development and Poverty Reduction Fund (RDPR) in Quang Ninh District, Quang Binh Province continues to support 29 households in 2011, mostly Van Kieu ethnic minorities in Khe Ngang, Hang Chuon, Truong Nam, and Lam Ninh Village in building dwarf banana, cassava, and turmeric planting models on sloping land.
In 2011 Rural Development and Poverty Reduction Fund(RDPR) in collaboration with Quang Ninh Agricultural Encourage Station implemented the sow breeding model in Khe Ngang , Khe Day, Lam Ninh Mountain Village of Truong Xuan Commune. After 11 months of implementation, the model has gained positive results. To assess, draw lessons from the model and recommend expanding the model in community, on April 12, 2012, Quang Ninh Agricultural Encourage Station, the consult of the implementation of the model, coordinates with Development Board of Truong Xuan held the workshop to assess and summary summative the model.
Starting with two Van Kieu households at Khe Cat village who were supported by RDPR to implement the porker raising model, now these models develop in entire village.