Quang Binh province is located in the central north of VietNam with 8,065 km2 of natural land area. Along the coastline, there are thousands hectares of sand area that is potential for economic development. Especially, this sand area is quite suitable for on-sand shrimp farming.
On 22th December 2014, Quang Binh Provincial People Committee issued the Decision No. 3721/QD-UBND regarding the approval on receiving NGO aid of ICCO Netherland Organization for the project “Promoting the shrimp farming value chain and enhancing capacity for the Social Responsible Orientation Business Network (SRB)”. The project is conducted by Rural Development and Poverty Reduction Fund (RDPR) in the period 2014-2015.
Based on the actual needs of enterprises, non-govermental organizations, SRB Network founded by Quang Ninh Rural development and Poverty Reduction Fund (RDPR), VietED Fund, and Vinh An company conducted two training courses on Value chain development, social responsibility; and MIS by Open Source Software from 28th-30th December 2014.
In order to establish a voluntary network for enterprises and organizations having the same interest in the field of communities, microfinance, development of value chain for local products, VietED Foundation, Rural Development and Poverty Reduction (RDPR) and Vinh An Company co-founded the SRB Network.