On 22th December 2014, Quang Binh Provincial People Committee issued the Decision No. 3721/QD-UBND regarding the approval on receiving NGO aid of ICCO Netherland Organization for the project “Promoting the shrimp farming value chain and enhancing capacity for the Social Responsible Orientation Business Network (SRB)”. The project is conducted by Rural Development and Poverty Reduction Fund (RDPR) in the period 2014-2015.
The objectives of the project are: 1) To enhance effectively approaching to resources and value-chain services that support shrimp farming for community at coastal communes. 2) To increase shrimp quality toward clean and socially responsible farming. 3) To building capacity for Social Responsible Orientation Business Network.
The project will be carried out at Hai Ninh commune, Quang Ninh district, and Ngu Thuy Bac commune, Le Thuy district. The main activities of the project is that to support the planning for shrimp farming region according VietGAP standards, to enhance capacity for community through training courses and model building, to establish and build capacity for the Social Responsible Orientation Business Network, and promoting the value chain and the approaching to microfinance services