Na Lam village
The people in Na Lam village will be allocated production land under the Decision No.1474/QD-UBND of Quang Binh Provincial People’s Committee dated 5th June 2015.
Na Lam is one of the most difficult village of Truong Xuan commune, Quang Ninh district without electricity- road-school-medical station. To come the village, we have to overcome a steep distances near 10km from the central commune.
Since 1988, the local people have come to the reclamation, established the village, developed breeding and cropping . Until now, the whole village have 2 households and 42 people.
However, since 2008, Quang Binh Province People's Committee has decided to recover production land, which local people was producing, to lease Hong Duc Commercial Company for planting industry trees with the total land area of 221 ha.
This leaded to stress and annoyance of local people because their production land perennially used was withdrawn, the whole village only have 3 ha for planting sugar potato, cassava, so poverty occur the year around. The local people had proposed many times to authorities at levels to be addressed, in which the key farmer groups was the best positive and effective groups.
By 2012, Quang Binh provincial People’s Committee issued the decision No. 2786 / QD-UBND to recovery 12,4 ha of land from Hong Duc company to allocate for local people. However, due to the problems related to the finding of compensation for the company, the land allocation was not be completed. The difficulties of the village are also reflected in many newspapers and television channels.
The seven-year proposal process of local people brought positive result, the compensation for Hong Duc company is resolved under the Decision No. 1474/QD-UBND of Quang Binh People’s Committee dated 5th June 2015. Na Lam people will be allocated production land after the District People’ Committee complete measurement , planning and allocation records.
The happiness really come back with Na Lam people with their hope about production development on allocated land in order to no longer poverty as before.